Single-packaged tableware/ Zipper-bag packaged tableware / In a row packaging tableware / All kinds of tableware combination bag

鼎盛工業(股)公司位於台中市工業區,為一專業射出成型製造廠,於射出成形產 業已有多年歷史,通過 ISO 22000 及 HACCP 食品安全管理系統國際認證。不斷 致力於高品質射出產品之研發製造,以及與客戶共同開發新產品及模具設計之 優異技術能力,鼎盛客戶不但遍及國內外,國內客戶皆為知名食品大廠、知名 便利商店、知名飯店及知名咖啡連鎖店等,產品更跨足美妝產業、生物科技產 業、寵物產業、醫療產業等。


有鑒於市場上,Total Solution 的服務型態,已成為取得客戶認同與長期配合 的競爭條件,本公司擁有優異的生產技術及豐富的企劃設計能力,設有專業之 企劃設計人員,可協助客戶客製化產品之設計、規劃及專業建議。本公司並擁 有潔淨廠房及日本 JSW 350 噸、220 噸、180 噸、140 噸等各款式專業射出機, 及多部自動化單支餐具包裝機,為射出產品 OEM/ODM 的第一選擇。

潔淨整列式包裝食具 / 單支包裝食具



The feature of product



  • Act as a leader in the field of Taiwan. Single and full-row packaged tableware in the clean room (knives, forks, spoons, chopsticks, etc... disposable tableware) .Use automatic packaging machines, the entire process from inject to package without by hand.
  • In a row packaging dessert spoons, it could be tore apart and used conveniently.
  • Zipper bag of 12pcs or 6pcs dessert spoons. It could be selected according to customer needs.
  • The customer can also choose no single package and bulk shipment.
  • DEANSUN also has the tableware combination package. The content can be put knife, fork, spoon, toothpicks, pepper salt, etc., you can select the required content for different combinations.
  • DEANSUN could customize and develop the mold according to customer needs tableware style. We can also choose the PP material or environmental protection PLA material to produce.



潔淨整列式包裝食具 / 單支包裝食具


「Dream Creator& Dream Maker」作為自我期許與要求之信條,希能敏 銳掌握市場趨勢並適時提供客戶解決方案

鼎盛塑膠射出成型工廠 總經理Grace Chen